A Picture Of Something You See
Friday, August 26, 2005
X&Y is definetly one of the best albums this year, there's simply no need to deny that fact anymore. "Talk" is the song I've fallen for the most. A beautiful adaptation of the old Kraftwerk track "Computer Love" (If I mix two songs up now, please let me know. But I'm pretty sure it is in fact "Computer Love") with vivid and powerful lyrics. The entire album should be listened to by anyone who enjoys a good portion of slow rock every now and again, and especially "Talk" and the almost equally enchanting "Low". I would also mention "Fix You" and "Speed of Sound" but that seems pointless since everyone has heard those two already.I'm suffering a hard dilemma at the moment. I'm rather poor right now and of course, that's the time when all the good bands decide to visit Sweden. Within a year Coldplay, Depeche Mode, Franz Ferdinand and The Rasmus all play here. I think I might be able to see two of these concerts and I'm currently waiting for the 31st (The day when DM announces exact date and location for their gig) and after that I have to make up my mind. Any spontaneous suggestions in this matter? Right now it feels like the bands I'd most like to see live is Franz Ferdinand and Coldplay, but I keep changing my mind.
It's hard, yes it's haaard!
20:03 ::
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Rikard Olsson :: permalink

I definately think you should see Depeche Mode and Coldplay. ^_^ If I can't see DM, I want you to be able to see them for me *sniff*. :D lol. I know how much you luuuuuuff' Coldplay too; so I know you'd hate to miss out on that one. Just my two cents. / Erica xXx
By , at 21:40
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