Intellectual Tortoise
Sunday, October 09, 2005
I finally snatched a copy of the episode of Conan O'Brien where U2 were the guests. 40 minutes of pure U2 means goodtimes all around. Four songs played, a few sketches (In the Year 2000: The Edge Edition!!) and two very good interviews; once with the full band and once with just Bono. If you get a chance, you have to see this episode. Very good stuff both if you love Conan and if you love U2. TV at its best.I was going to review Franz Ferdinand's new album You Could Have It So Much Better but since my pal Jarno at A Fair Judgement already did, and pretty much summed up my feelings about it as well, then I'll just tell you to check out his review.
And finally; Kent's new EP. Yes indeed, Kent isn't through with this extremely successful year. They have announced a brand new EP with five new songs to be released at the beginning of November. You can pre-order it on their official site and I will as soon as I have the money to do so.
The title is The Hjärta & Smärta EP (The Heart & Pain EP. It's a play with lame teen angst poetry.) and the song titles are as follows:
"Vi Mot Världen" ("We Against The World")
"Ansgar & Evelyne"
"Flen/Paris" (Flen is a small swedish town)
"Månadens Erbjudande" ("Offer Of The Month")
"Dom Som Försvann" ("Those Who Disappeared")
Of course this is fantastic news and I'm literary jumping in my seat to hear these babies. They offer a sneak-peak listen to all who pre-order on October 28th and they will play on of the songs live at the Nordic Music Awards the day after. Seems like this year will both begin and end with complete Kent dominance.
19:11 ::
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Rikard Olsson :: permalink

Ha, myspys att man blev länkad! Vad tror du om nya Kent EP:n då? Kommer det att vara samma riktning som på senaste fullängdaren?
By , at 20:37 -
Förmodligen inte. Kent brukar ju gilla att "revoltera" mot sig själva så det lär nog låta lite annorlunda. Dessutom är det ju "Kent"- och "Verkligen"-producenten Nille Perned som proddar så det kanske blir en återgång till det soundet.
By Rikard Olsson, at 13:08
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