Somewhere More Familiar
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Katatonia just put up three new t-shirts on their handsome new site. They all look really neat, cool designs and lots of black and red goodness. However, the last one of the bunch now competes with In Flames' "The Adventures of IN FLAMES"-shirt as being the coolest official band-shirt. Just take a peak at the beautifulness itself and see for yourselves (But don't order any because I'm broke and I need them to have a copy left when I get my paycheck):

I am speechless with facing such coolness.
Also; big cheer for Kaiser Chiefs that won 3 Brit Awards a few days ago! Very well deserved I shall say. Employment is a great album, and it should definetly be showered with prices and such.
21:41 ::
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Rikard Olsson :: permalink

Den är goth med glimten i ögat.
By Rikard Olsson, at 13:17
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