Too Romantic To Fall In Love
I went to Pet Sounds (indie!!) and bought the maxi-single for "Speed of Sound" by Coldplay with two nice b-sides. I love the cover so it was mainly because of that I wanted it, the CD itself is copy controlled so I had to download the songs anyway. Good ones though, but you could tell why they were b- and not a-sides.
On a hunch I downloaded Stakka Bo's album "Jr." yesterday. It was a very positive surprise actually. Electropop with a touch of Kent really, and Jocke is actually featuring on one of the better songs of the album; "Killer". If you like Kent and Nåid you should really check out this cd.

Gossip Blog Launches Queer Blog
By , at 21:12
Celebrity blog Jossip publisher David Hauslaib has launched Queerty , a blog about all things queer.
What a great blog you got here! Bookmarking it is definitely must!
I have a Pink Sheets site/blog. It pretty much covers
Pink Sheets related stuff.
Come and check it out if you get time :-) -
Uhm... ^ riiiiiight. *posters GIRLfriend gives the other anonymous poster a curtsee* ;P
By , at 20:23
*Hrm* Now that that's been established, I have to say. . . Speed of Sound? Irghk. ;) Fix You is passably decent, I will admit, but Speed of Sound? It's just a recycled version of Clocks. :P
Oh, and before I forget; *KISSES!* I love youuuuuuuu. <3 ^o^ -
Damn right, thanks for sending it to me. :)
By Henrik V, at 18:47
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