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Hackneyed, Baby!

Afraid Of All The Science

Monday, November 07, 2005
Somewhere inside me it hurts to admit this, but it has to be said. Start From The Dark by Europe is a much better album than my first impression lead me to think. It's not a masterpiece like Jarno thinks, but a handful of songs are of a very high quality. Amongst those "Flames", "Hero" and "America".

Hyde has released a new solo single called "Countdown" and it's rockier than L'arc~en~ciel's usual material. It does, however, resemble Hyde's own album 666 which I've also listened to a lot today. I still think that Laruku generally are better but I still can't ignore Hyde on his own. His first album Roentgen is extremely dull and I lost patience after just listening twice, however both the follow-up 666 and this new single interests me a whole lot more. I hope the upcoming album will be just as good.

Also, Hyde's hot. Oh, so hot.
16:33 :: ::
  • Men va fan, Spirit of The Underdog då? Den är ju bättre än både "Hero" och "America", nu blidde jag ledsen.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 19:46  
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