I Could Never Be Beyond Repair
Thursday, March 23, 2006
A long hard week of stress, frustration, bad news and such similar shittyness makes Rikard a bad blogger. However, it's the perfect week to get a hold of the seventh Katatonia album The Great Cold Distance, which frequent visitors of this blog (yes, all two of you) will have noticed that I've been very excited about. It's hard to buy an album that you're excited about, because there is always the anxiety. You know what I'm talking about, don't you? You've waited for the goddamn cd for what seems like age, it better be fucking worth the wait.
The Great Cold Distance has been worth the wait. The mood of it is darker and heavier than on Viva Emptiness, which is a vast improvement in Rkard's notebook. What Katatonia pulls off, which very few bands can, is that they create a very thick atmosphere althrough their albums. Listening to TGCD brings out a desserted, windy landscape with pale grey skies, covered in desperation and, what seems to be neverending, pain. The only thing to remark on is that there are very few individual tracks that stand out. However, this was also the case with Discouraged Ones, which I still hold as my favorite Katatonia album.
So no hits, but a solid effort. The band has regained the dark energy from works such as Discouraged Ones and Tonight's Decision and ordered in the supersized depression-combo meal. The perfect soundtrack for a shitty week.