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Hackneyed, Baby!

Different People Have Different Needs

Tuesday, April 11, 2006
As you will notice the Google Ads will disappear from here right about a second after this post has been made. Apparently Google thinks I've been using the service badly and therefore erased my account, and the money I had earned on it. I haven't done anything wrong, and I haven't gotten a single chance to get a valid explanation or even to argue my point of view. But no, the money's returned to "the affect advertisers", even though I helped those "affected" sites with quite a lot of advertising. Apparently, it's up to them to erase my earned money because of a reason they can't even name. Apparently, I have either encouraged people to press my ads via this site (Nope), or I have used a clicking program to generate automatic clicks (Nope) or I have in any other way violated the terms of use.
I feel pretty fucked over right about now, I must say. Sure, I have clicked the ads, but only - ONLY - when there has been something there that has interested me. Since the links refer from my site it's only natural that I'll find links that I like and click them. Apparently, doing so makes it okay for Google to erase my account with 85 made dollars on it, without giving me a chance to explain, or even to get a warning before.
If any representative from Google happen to stumble upon this, please know that I feel very cheated by your service. I worked hard to use the ads as wisely as possibly, and I was close to getting a very much needed finanicial boost from it. If you perform a job for a few months and earn a decent stack of money, but don't cash them, and you suddenly get fired - it's still your money. I've done this work for your company, and I earned money to your company. Money, which I was going to get a very small percentage from. Unfortunaly, internet companies such as Google Adsense apparently feel it's up to them to fuck their users in the ass and then drop them like dead cats without an explanation or a dime to show for it.
. Today's song is dedicated to the people that decided to fuck a broke student in the ass for no reason.

Dope - Die Motherfucker, Die
15:29 :: ::
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