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Hackneyed, Baby!

Like I Woke Up In Wonderland

Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Time for a piece of sad news on my behalf. Spel2 is now officially on, what seems to be a permanent, hiatus. The entire site is gone, replaced with a short letter exclaiming the reasons we decided to put it to sleep: Time and motivation, and the lack of both. Emil Lindgren, who we all know as Gadden, was a great supervisor for us. Dedicated and friendly - mostly - he would make us work our hardest, he would listen to our ideas and he was the engine for the site. He's now becoming a dad which of course has taken up all the free-time he had, and when he gave this news we all pretty much understood where things were going.
It's a hard thing to tackle, since I loved Spel2. I loved it a little bit more in theory, maybe, but it was still a competent site for games that could have been fantastic if we'd had more time on our hands, and if we could have made an income through it. It's sad to say, but money was what in the end forced us to stop.
Our majestic plans was never fulfilled to 100%, but we still made a mark, I'd like to think. I hope so, at least. Right now, it's time for us to move on and take a good look at our own personal futures in the business. I haven't applied my CV to another site just yet - don't want to just try at the first site I can think of - but I probably will soon. Henrik and Olle - who pretty much were the two brightest shining stars of the lot - seems to already have plans for the future and I wish them and the rest of the cast the best of luck. I hope that someday, when Gadden's kids are old enough to wipe themselves, I've finally managed to grow facial hair, and we all feel a bit more balanced in life, that we can make the site we dreamt of when we started this project.

For more sentimental posts about the death of Spel2 I recommend you read through these blog posts, made by Johan and Henrik:

Johan writes "Ashes to ashes, Dust to dust: In Retrospective"
Henrik writes "Sp3l.se? eject2.se? Nej, inte den här gången."
19:23 :: ::
  • Lindberg* :)

    Hoppas också att vi kan göra någonting ihop i framtiden. Tack för tiden som varit och hoppas att det går bra för dig i fortsättningen, oavsett vad du bestämmer dig för att göra. Och var inte rädd för att söka dig vidare inom speljournalistiken om det är det du vill göra, du är skitbra mannen. Du borde inse det. :)

    By Blogger Henrik V, at 20:07  
  • Var fan fick jag Lindgren ifrån? :|

    Och detsamma hör du, men jag känner på mig att du kommer ha mer tur än jag har ;) Lycka till, i vilket fall.

    By Blogger Rikard Olsson, at 21:10  
  • Du har ett bra språkbruk och skriver med själen. Du slösar bort din egen talang om du inte söker dig vidare. Visst, förstår om du måste smälta det här. Var tungt som fan för mig också, men det går att komma över. Tro på dig själv.

    By Blogger Johan Eklund, at 21:37  
  • ...facial...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 07:14  
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