Undress Your Eyes
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
The albums that kick the most ass at the current moment:

Broder Daniel - Broder Daniel Forever
Franz Ferdinand - Franz Ferdinand
Jens Lekman - I Killed A Party Again EP
Stars Are Falling From The Sky
Monday, August 29, 2005
I'm discovering Achtung Baby! Finally!!
Just 2 more days until Depeche Mode lets me know who to see live this coming year. Come on, be nice with the prices! As much as I love you; I just can't pay 500 for one concert. Pretty please?
A Picture Of Something You See
Friday, August 26, 2005
X&Y is definetly one of the best albums this year, there's simply no need to deny that fact anymore. "Talk" is the song I've fallen for the most. A beautiful adaptation of the old Kraftwerk track "Computer Love" (If I mix two songs up now, please let me know. But I'm pretty sure it is in fact "Computer Love") with vivid and powerful lyrics. The entire album should be listened to by anyone who enjoys a good portion of slow rock every now and again, and especially "Talk" and the almost equally enchanting "Low". I would also mention "Fix You" and "Speed of Sound" but that seems pointless since everyone has heard those two already.
I'm suffering a hard dilemma at the moment. I'm rather poor right now and of course, that's the time when all the good bands decide to visit Sweden. Within a year Coldplay, Depeche Mode, Franz Ferdinand and The Rasmus all play here. I think I might be able to see two of these concerts and I'm currently waiting for the 31st (The day when DM announces exact date and location for their gig) and after that I have to make up my mind. Any spontaneous suggestions in this matter? Right now it feels like the bands I'd most like to see live is Franz Ferdinand and Coldplay, but I keep changing my mind.
It's hard, yes it's haaard!
I'm No Longer In Command
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Today was a very gray and wet day. One of those days that just feel wet, humid and damp but it doesn't rain. It just feels like rain. What better day to listen to Anna Ternheim? It feels like her entire debut album Somebody Outside was recorded solely on gray, wet days like today and this has been taken advantage of by myself. The song that I listened to repeatedly was "My Secret" which is probably my favourite on the album. It feels very genuine and balanced emotion-wise. The biggest problem with her album in general is that it just feels so heavy to listen to. So many bad feelings concentrated into the lyrics and the melancholic music brings you down immediatly, but "My Secret" manages to be a little pearl sparkling in the darkness. It's not a particularly happy song but it's one of those songs that you can level with so easily, especially on gray days like today.
In other news: Franz Ferdinand is still the coolest band in the world.
Things Get Damaged
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
egar said... You cannot be serious when saying that "När det blåser på månen" is a mediocre song, it's one of their best. ;)Okay, I'll be honest. It's not a mediocre song, I love it. But in the old album version it's just so badly produced and Jocke Berg's voice is hardly what it is today. I never thought of it as a "bad" song but considering the new version performed live on the recent tour was such an improvement, the old version's shortcomings get more obvious. But as you say, mediocre is really the wrong word. Time just hasn't been kind on the album version.
Apart from that there's loads of talking going on about Depeche Mode and their new single and upcoming album. The single which most people should have heard right about now is called "Precious" and it sounds pretty much like something grabbed from the studio floor inbetween Violator and Songs of Faith and Devotion. A combo which reinvents an old sound and thanks to Martin Gore's genius making it seem fresh again. The song itself isn't a masterpiece, but it certainly leaves much to hope for when the album Playing the Angel is released in october.
Okay, Okay, Okay, Okay!
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
New Franz Ferdinand single! I'm so happy I could dance, and I have. Oh yeah. I so danced.
So the song is called "Do You Want To" (or is it "Do You Wanna"? I've seen both in magazines and on DC. Anyone that's sure?) and it sounds
exactly like Franz Ferdinand sounded on their s/t album, but in this case that is not in the least a bad thing. FF has a sound that's simple but crystal-clear in the sense that it's so obviously FF and nothing else. No other band sounds like FF and therefore the sound remains fresh. And quite frankly, I don't want them to change "just because". Way too many bands want to reinvent themselves and it just ends up in shit (U2:s Zooropa and Pop) so it's nice that some bands stay the same. The song itself is really cool as well. It's the kind of song you start singing along to already in the second chorus and then you put it on repeat for hours and hours.
Another song has slipped into my playlist and that is "Politix" by Mattias Alkberg BD - a band I've been meaning to check out for some time now. The song was playing on the TV and it's really sweet. Considering the chorus consists of two words repeated 4 times each it's a incredible little pop-wonder. Definetly a band I will check out deeper.
And a last note to whoever wrote this comment to my previous entry:
Anonymous said...
Oh, dude, your so fucking sad. Do you seriously listen to Kent? Just get yourself a nice warm kevlarsjäl and bury yourself beneath it.ANONYMOUS DOES NOT 4GIVE
15:56You gave me the biggest gut laugh in days, haha! Keep commenting me, I love that stuff.
Am I An Astronaut?
Monday, August 22, 2005
The past few days I've mostly been listening to an excellent bootlegged concert with Kent. It's from their second gig in Stockholm (I was attending the first) and the quality is mindblowing for a amateur-made bootleg. The stand out-track is the superior new version of the old classic När Det Blåser På Månen (When It's Windy On The Moon) performed mostly only with Jocke Berg on an acoustic guitar only to have the rest of the band filling in the long instrumental part at the end (this was made so that Jocke - who was standing on a piedestal in the middle of the audience - could be brought back to the stage). It's a mostly mediocre song turned into a splendid one with just a few adjustments of the original song. Genius, I tell ye!
Apart from such illegal stuff I've been occupying my ears with mainly Bloodhound Gang, much because of my beloved girlfriend whos' newfound love for Hooray For Boobies awoke my dozed off love affair with the Gang, which is nicely timed since their new album (the first one in five frickin' years!) Hefty Fine is released in little over a month and I'm very curious to hear it.
repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse;.
The sermon was full of hackneyed phrases and platitudes.