Water In Your Car
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Quickie, like so often. My good friend
Jarno showed me
this earlier and everyone - yes, you too - has got to see it. I'm too stunned to tell you how good it is. Notice how not only Peter Gabriel is really hot, but Phil Collins as well! Oh, man.
Somewhere More Familiar
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Katatonia just put up three new t-shirts on their handsome
new site. They all look really neat, cool designs and lots of black and red goodness. However, the last one of the bunch now competes with In Flames'
"The Adventures of IN FLAMES"-shirt as being the coolest official band-shirt. Just take a peak at the beautifulness itself and see for yourselves (But don't order any because I'm broke and I need them to have a copy left when I get my paycheck):


BackI am speechless with facing such coolness.
Also; big cheer for Kaiser Chiefs that won 3 Brit Awards a few days ago! Very well deserved I shall say. Employment is a great album, and it should definetly be showered with prices and such.
Don't Try To Fix Me; I'm Not Broken
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Since no one gave a shit about my enquiry earlier today I decided to round up some really, really good and sad songs that I've been listening to today. Since this is not a blog-blog I won't get more personal that this - ever.
Jens Lekman - How Much You Mean To MeSome people may argue that "Do Impossible Things" is a bigger tearjerker but I disagree. I think this is the one song that defines the pain of losing your love the very best. It somehow feels as if this song was not written, but rather that it was sung in a weak moment, only to be slightly edited afterwards. Absolutely beautiful.
The Motorhomes - Into The NightWith the video it's sadness incarnated. Without it, it's still a harmonic and frail song that always pops into my playlist when I feel like snot.
Nine Inch Nails - HurtI have recently become more and more liking of Johnny Cash's version, but to me it's Trent Reznors broken voice that does this song the most justice still. No further comment is needed, I believe.
Katatonia - Saw You DrownThis song is one of those songs that, when listened to in the exact right moment, becomes more than a song. It becomes the very veil that clothes your emotions. I always feel like this song surrounds my sadness, saturating it, but at the same time comforting. That sounds so pretentious, but I'm down and I blog - so sue me.
Nobuo Uematsu - Anxious HeartMight be the single best piece of music lifted from a game ever. To me it's no question about it. It's nothing epic or grand, but it's a small, soft piece. The feeling of melancholy and despair is unlike anything on any of Uematsu's other works, and it's so bloody perfect.
Evanescence - HelloAs most people know; Evanescence is at their greatest when they tone down and let Amy alone with a piano and her voice alone. This particular ballad is my favorite, and also the one where she seems the most open. She sings with a frail but fantastic voice about when she lost her little sister at a young age and every word seems to be sung with an almost eerie openness. Stunningly good, indeed.
The Only White Dove From NYC
Send me the saddest song ever made.
The Only Baggage You Can Bring
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Chester Bennington is postponing his solo project's - Snow White Tan - debut album for almost an entire year. Sad news - or so I thought. Because it seems that this is because he's going to be working on Linkin Park's third real full-length CD all spring and summer, shooting for an earlier autumn release. Great news, indeed. Rick Rubin and Mike Shinoda (Who recently turned 29 by the way. Congrats!) will be producing the album together. Yes, THE Rick Rubin.
Is that my crotch exploding in delight? Oh yes. Yes, it is.
After growing more and more bored with my playlist I decided to dig deep in my collection to find something to freshen up my musical ears. Truly, I struck gold. I found my old Fight Club soundtrack, produced and performed by The Dust Brothers. A brilliant little piece of movie music. Well worth checking out for anyone who has even the slightest affection for good trip-hop (Is it trip-hop, though? I'm not sure, but it does lean in that direction at least..).
Also, My Chemical Romance is growing on me slowly. Sometimes it's just nice to jump around and scream carelessly together with some pale, black-haired college emo-howler. "It's Not A Fashion Statement, It's A Death Wish" is a fantastic song title as well.
Cross The Waters
Saturday, February 11, 2006
So I've been extremely busy lately, since school has started out for real this past week. This is why I haven't been writing as much this week, but I hope next week will be slightly less horrifying.
I'm not going to talk so much about music today actually. I want to talk about some movies quickly, the first of these being
Silent Hill, which I've been looking forward to for some time now. After watching the trailer my hopes have gotten a quick boost, since the atmosphere from the games seem to be almost intact in the movie. The story seems to be lifted from the first of the games while the estethics are more a blend of the second and third games of the series. This combined with the wall-zombies from the fourth game, and a pinch of new elements it seems like Christophe Gans has actually made a good - maybe great? - game-adaptation. I certainly hope that it's as good on the screen as the trailer promises. I really thing it could. Did I mention Sean Bean is in it?
The other movie I would like to mention is the long awaited
Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest. I gladly position myself amongst the bunch of people that loved the first movie, and seeing the trailer for the sequel I can't restrain myself from the expectations growing. The main reason? Because the first movie was very entertaining and with some great acting and scenery. The second reason? Stellan Skarsgård is in it. Yes. He is. Stellan is my hero. Stellan is God. Stellan is Sweden's finest. Stellan is in Pirates of the Caribbean 2. Which totally rocks balls.
Finally, Marilyn Manson is preparing to start working on his directorial debut. He's writing, starring, directing, producing and scoring the movie
Phantasmagoria - The Visions of Lewis Carroll. Not much is known except it with intertwine the story of author Lewis Carroll with his famous poem Phantasmagoria. When I read this I couldn't help but feel a bit intrigued. Manson has always been a very creative and original artist, both lyrically, musically and visually, and with him getting almost no restrains to make such a twisted story come to life in a movie might result in something quite extraordinary.
As a last note; Ian Haugland's cover of Black Sabbath's "Changes" is so many times better than the original that it's almost silly.
Soulmates Never Die
Monday, February 06, 2006
Late night quick post. I fixed some things in the design, and the Ads are back in the right column. Do whatever you want with them.
Now, it's time for me to lie down - finally - and fall asleep listening to Belle and Sebastian. I got Tigermilk today on a hunch, and I hope it's as good as my good friend claim they are. I'll give you my worthless opinion tomorrow. Until then, sleep tight. I will.
What Else Could We Do
Sunday, February 05, 2006
After being in hibernation over the winter, I finally decided to get this shit back on track.
New design, slightly modified to suit my precious needs. Still some glitches to fix, and I don't know how it wil look on some resolutions. It should work fine in anything that's not 800x600 though, and Firefox should also be somewhat compatible. If anyone finds any bugs or anything else PLEASE comment on them so I can fix them quickly.
Until then, I'll leave you all in wonder over my fantastic - and glitchy - new layout and eat some fucking dinner, finally. Then I shall return and spew out some more useless opinions about what's spinning me 'round like a record at the moment. I know you all love it to death.
PS. Google Ads will be back later tonight. I just can't be bothered at the moment.